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One of the leading Martin dealers WORLDWIDE. Talk to Jon Garon at “My Favorite Guitars” and you’ll find out why he has earned the reputation as having some of the BEST customer service in the business.  And on top of that, a super nice guy to deal with.  You’ll never buy from a chain music outlet again!  1-888-CFM-1833

Ivory carver David Warther II is one of the most gifted artists I have met in this age-old tradition. He has been involved in ivory carving for five decades, and his most prominent works are his ship carvings, which have been featured at nearly every major nautical museum in the U.S. I have known David for many years and he has been one of the more invaluable sources of information as well as materials since I have been in business, and much of what I do would not be possible without his guidance, particularly where following the letter of the law in terms of ivory is concerned. I get many requests for ivory pieces that are sized or shaped such that they are beyond what I can produce in the musical instrument field.  For these requests, please contact David at   (330) 343-1865, and he will be able to take care of any needs you may have. 

Ed Foley’s beautiful guitars are used by none other than George Strait, Wayne Gabriel, Bill Monroe and many other prominent musicians. Why? Check out the work and testimonials at and take a look. I’ve had the pleasure of doing business with Ed and he is a great gentleman and absolutely superb luthier. 

Dystonia: A debilitating movement disorder that I’ll bet you haven’t heard of. Check it out and learn!

Become a U.S. Navy SUBMARINE SAILOR. You can bring your guitar on deployment, look at cool stuff through the periscope, conduct top secret operations vital to national security of the United States, and meet interesting people worldwide. Of course, you’ll likely develop a somewhat warped sense of humor and use colorful adjectives at the most inappropriate times, but who the **** cares. Click here to get all the details: If you’re curious:  QMC(SS) USN, Ret   1984 – 2004 (636,629,754 & 688)

Joe Gavin at Carlton Music Center is yet another reason to avoid the “big-box” outlets for your acoustic guitar needs. Personalized service, support and a superior level of technical knowledge is what he is all about. 1-863-686-3179